About Me


Ritratto (foto by Deadlylow)
I was born in fair Torino in 1979; graduated in Literature, I work in libraries – which keeps alive the misconception according to which librarianship is not a scientific discipline. From 2005 to 2010 I was system librarian at the University of Torino.

Now – to disrupt the misconception – I participate to the International Master Program Digital Library and Learning at Høgskolen i Oslo, Tallina Ulikool and Università degli Studi di Parma, during which I also had an internship at CERN. Cool, isn’t it?

From december 2011 I was back at the University of Torino, in the Digital Library Staff.

Now I’m working in Rome.

My resume:


My Tweets, microblog and updates:

You can find me on Twitter as @fraenrico.